All about Gun Cleaning

Author: Les Waller

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  • Best Gun Safe Under $500

      Choosing the right rifle gun safe is an important decision. Not only will it protect your firearms from theft, but it will also keep them secure from unauthorized access. It’s important to choose a safe that is both secure and functional so you can have peace of mind knowing your firearms are protected. Here’s…

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  • Tipton Gun Vise

      First, let’s start out with a beginner’s guide to gun vises, then we’ll get to the Tipton Gun Vise. A Beginner’s Guide to Gun Vise If you’re new to the world of gun care and maintenance, you may be wondering what exactly a gun vise is and why you might need one. A gun…

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  • Best Foaming Bore Cleaner  Cleaning your gun is an integral part of firearm maintenance. Keeping your gun clean and well-maintained is key to a long lifespan and optimal performance. One of the most important steps in cleaning your gun is using a foaming bore cleaner. Foaming bore cleaners can help break down residues that are…

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  • Which Shotgun Choke is the Most Open

        But first, what are chokes? Chokes are devices that fit onto the end of a shotgun barrel, and they determine how the shot spreads when fired. The type of choke you use will have an impact on your accuracy and effectiveness. So it’s important to understand which choke to use for different types…

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  • Cómo limpiar su pistola de forma segura y eficaz

    Si posee una pistola, es importante mantenerla limpia por razones de seguridad. Limpiar el arma correcta y eficazmente puede ayudarle a prolongar su vida útil y mantener su precisión. Pero, ¿cómo se limpia un arma? Aquí tiene una guía rápida sobre cómo limpiar su pistola de forma segura y eficaz. Paso 1: Descargue el arma…

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  • How to Clean Bullets

    How to clean bullets is an article I would normally not think about writing. However, I noticed on the internet that the question comes up a number of times. Therefore, I thought I should cover this subject, as well. How to Clean Your Brass Bullets Many people enjoy the hobby of shooting, and some take…

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  • 5 Ways on How to Get Gunpowder Off Clothes

    How to get gunpowder off clothes? Gunpowder stains can be a pain to remove, but with the right method, you can get rid of them quickly and easily. Here are 5 ways to remove gunpowder stains from clothing: #1. Detergent and Water Method The first way to remove gunpowder stains is by using a detergent…

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  • How To Clean Brass Casings

    Do you need to clean your brass casings before reloading it? The answer is always YES! And here’s the reason. When you fire the trigger and the brass hits the ground (or even if you have one of those nifty brass traps attached to your semi-automatic rifle), it has a strong potential to catch tiny…

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  • Best Gun Cleaning Patches

    Do you want to throw away your favorite gun? If not, investing in a quality gun-cleaning patch is a must. Cleaning your weapon is as important as using it. A well-maintained gun ensures accurate shots and better functionality. In this article we will look at the best gun cleaning patches on the market. On the…

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  • What are Jags used for in Gun Cleaning?

      Are you confused about what Jags are used for in gun cleaning? Look no further. We have you here! A jag is a simple attachment that is attached to the end of the cleaning rod. To get their job done, they tend to be sharp and pointed. They are tapered cleaner attachments and will…

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