Some of these items are no longer available on Amazon; check Best Universal Gun Cleaning Kits … in 2022 for updates.
Cleaning your gun is as important as cleaning yourself. It shouldn’t be seen as a dreary action, but more as a necessary part of the beautiful cycle of owning a gun. Forsaking the gun cleaning activity can lead to some dangerous circumstances, such as the gun exploding, if enough residue is build up, i.e. if, like most people, you almost never clean your gun. Professionals call this phenomenon ‘catastrophic failure’, we like to call it ‘catastrophic gun owner’.
If you think that you already know everything about gun cleaning, don’t leave just yet. The US army, arguably the most powerful and intelligent army in the world, made the fatal mistake of being overconfident in their abilities during the Vietnam War. Their weapon of choice, the M16A1 assault rifle was marketed as self-cleaning, but once it was put to the test, with many US soldier lives lost, the mistake was admitted and gun cleaning was proclaimed as a necessary part of the procedure.
The lesson to learn here is that overconfidence gets us nowhere and there’s always something to learn in every situation.
We don’t want that happening and therefore have decided to create this ultimate guide which will serve as a strong pillar when it comes to gun cleaning. We’ll be presenting you with the twelve best gun cleaning kits, divided into 3 categories, as well as inform you about all the other necessary nuts and bolts when it comes to gun cleaning.
Are you ready to turn yourself into a respectable and knowledgeable gun owner? If so, keep reading this article and you’ll become on in no time!
What Is Usually Inside a Gun Cleaning Kit
To prevent any future misjudgments and misconceptions, please do yourself a favor and read the following mini-guide on what every gun cleaning kit should include into their package.
1) Cleaning Brush 
Every kit should have a cleaning brush, they’re usually colored and made out of bronze. You will want to use it every time you’re done shooting with your gun. What is really great about the cleaning brush is that all the built-up residue is easily removed with just a simple swipe. Cleaning the interior of the barrel of your gun (also called bore) doesn’t take very long. They’re usually sturdy in their build and last for a long time. Other than bronze, you’ll also meet with brushes made out of nylon. The brushes can also be double-ended.
2) Cleaning Jag
Also designed to go into the bore of your gun. It’s usually coated with nickel or brass in order to prevent damaging the insides of your gun. The cleaning jag is used in combination with the cleaning brush, to ensure that all residue is removed. It’s very effective in removing squib load, which has to do with gun powder being present inside the bore. That’s only one of many reasons why we prefer to clean our gun after every use.
3) Cleaning Swab 
Also monikered the ‘gun mop’ is used after the brush and the jag and is there to remove any left residue, be it powder or oil inside the bore. The material used is very likely made out of cotton and the cleaning swab itself isn’t as sturdy as the cleaning brush. You should tread carefully while using the cleaning swab as to not damage it during the process.
4) Slotted Patch Holder
The best alternative for a cleaning jag. We’ve listed it down as some kits prefer it over the cleaning jag. Their function is similar, but the slotted patch holder is usually made out of cotton, while the cleaning jag employs nickel or brass. Many hunters prefer the slotted patch holder as cotton can’t really damage the insides of your gun, others swear that a cleaning jag does the job better.
5) Cleaning rod
Just like the cleaning jag, which is made from sturdy materials such as metal or carbon fiber, the cleaning rod ensures that all residue is where it belongs: Outside of your gun. You’ll most likely see the cleaning rod combined with the bore guide, an extension tool used to stop cleaning liquid from pouring outside of your gun.
6) Bore snake

A bore snake has two jobs: Preventing your cleaning liquid from spurting out outside the gun and to ensure that your riflings don’t get damaged. It’s important to understand that the bore guide is mostly used as a support and should never be used on a lonesome basis.
7) Cotton swabs

Usually made out of cotton, which is put on both ends of a stick made out of wood or plastic. You should use them with the utmost care, as the materials are very sensitive to damage. They are very long, generally between 5 to 7 inches long and are to be inserted inside your gun barrel. Once inside, you carefully twist and turn, effectively removing any remaining residue.
8) Cleaning Solvent

It’s a small bottle containing cleaning fluid for your gun. You use them in combination with the aforementioned parts of a cleaning gun kit. One thing to pay attention to is what the bottle says about the specific guns it’s suitable for cleaning. If unsure, your best bet is to contact the manufacturer and sort it out with them. Better safe than sorry. You can learn more about gun cleaning solvents by following the link.
We’ll be introducing you to twelve products in this article, seven of whom which will belong to universal kits, four will deal with pistols and handguns and the last one will be reserved to our shotgun owners.
Are you ready? Because we certainly are!
Let’s explore the top 11 best gun cleaning kits on the market!
The 7 Best Universal Gun Cleaning Kits
Some of these items are no longer available on Amazon; check Best Universal Gun Cleaning Kits … in 2022 for updates.
Universal kits are named like that for a reason: They aim to provide any rifle or gun owner with all the necessary tools required to clean almost any gun out there: From Glocks to shotguns.
This list wasn’t meant to present a hierarchical structure of the best universal cleaning kits, so don’t pay special heed to the numbering. They are all valuable, that’s why they’ve made the list in the first place!
It’s just that some of them will suit some gun owners better, that’s why we’re presenting you with such a wide array of choices!
It’s up to you to decide which one is best suitable for your gun and your needs, we’re just here to help you make an educated choice much easier.
1. GLORYFIRE Universal Gun Cleaning Kit
GLORYFIRE peddles itself to be the all in one cleaning solution for all of your guns. It contains solid brass rods for all types of calibers, three of each utility brass brushes, muzzle guards and accessory adapters. It also has over fourteen bronze wire brushes and nine cotton maps.
To top it all off, twelve spear pointed jugs, fifty cleaning patches and four polishing clothes are all included in the package.
These are not all the tools it has, we’ve just listed the ones most catchy and relevant to the cause.
Sturdy Case
Let’s not pretend that we’re always alert and on track with everything that’s going on around us. Even professionals drop their gun cleaning cases as if it was nothing, so you too are exempt from judgment when it comes to that.
When put to the test, the GLORYFIRE universal gun cleaning kit can withstand quite a lot of damage from all sorts of heights, with the materials inside never facing any true danger.
That shouldn’t surprise you really, as the case is made out of sturdy materials that don’t break so easily!
What really surprised us about the GLORYFIRE was just how much value was in it for a very decent price. Not only is it affordable but it contains everything a gun owner needs and that’s what makes it one of the best gun cleaning kits out there!
Reinforced Rods
This one startled us the most, not only were the rods and other tools in this kit made out of sturdy materials, but the reinforced rods are a story all for themselves!
The rods are sturdy and durable, once you get a good grip on them, you’ll see what we’re talking about. It won’t surprise you really, as the rods are made out of solid brass.
Now that’s what we call looking out for customer satisfaction!
Size Labels
Fledglings to the game no longer have to worry about their lack of expertise in cleaning. With much necessary (we’re not sure why many other companies don’t follow suit) size labels and instructions presented for each tool, you’ll be able to turn yourself into a professional!
No longer will you fear of doing something wrong or pitting the wrong tools against each other, now you have the chance to truly become a veritable gun cleaner!
The Plastic Containers Aren’t Filled With Oil
With the purchase of this gun cleaning kit, you get two plastic containers. At first, we thought that they would have oil inside of them, but after careful inspection, we realized that they are completely empty!
You’ll have to buy the oil (gun lubrication) as an extra and that really didn’t sit with us well.
2. DAC Winchester Super Deluxe Gun Cleaning Kit
With only four pounds to its name and sixty-eight pieces of tools inside of this gun cleaning kit, you’re set to go haywire with your cleaning!
Included with the DAC Winchester are sturdy aluminum handles, four brass adapters, three brushes (stainless steel, phosphor, and nylon), a polishing cloth, two double-ended brushes, fourteen (!) bronze brushes and so much more.
It will take you an entire evening to get all these tools sorted out, but it will be an enjoyable evening, full of glee and reassurance!
This is a true universal gun cleaning kit for literally every gun out there, whether it be a handgun, rifle or even shotgun – You will find the necessary tools needed for the job.
This means that with just one purchase, you alleviate all of the ails that come with owning multiple guns.
This is a perfect purchase for those that are juggling multiple guns and are looking for one perfect solution.
Now there is one and it’s called the DAC Winchester Super Deluxe!
Made in the USA!
This is an often overlooked fact that many gun owners simply don’t care about. You’ll see many companies boasting hundreds of tools in their kits, but what purpose do they serve if they’ll just break down after the third time you’re using them? None and that’s why we’re proud to announce that not only is the company creating these kits located in the US but absolutely NO part of the production cycle is outsourced to anyone else, meaning that it all stays within the US, the greatest country in the world!
Sturdy Holding Case
We prefer our cases well built and well made and that’s what the Winchester truly is! Swaggering high-quality nylon is what the case is all about, meaning that it will remain in your servitude even if the conditions outside are not as ideal. Speaking from our own hunting experiences, cases often get thrown around and collect a lot of residue as a result of careless handling. To be perfectly frank, with this case, you can be as careless as you want, just remember to pick it up and clean it after you’re done with hunting game!
- Cons
No Cleaning Solvent
We just talked about not paying special heed to the case itself while you’re out hunting, yet if you don’t buy a cleaning solvent out of your own pocket, you’ll be left without any tools to clean not just your gun, but the case itself.
Your best bet is to simply suck it up and buy the cleaning solvent separately, as this gun cleaning kit truly is marvelous in all other aspects we’ve put it through.
We advise you to do all cleaning on a gun vise. Check which is the best gun vise.
3. The Otis Elite Universal Gun Cleaning Kit
We’ll give this company props for the badass name they’ve chosen, can you feel it? The Otis Elite is how we want our gun cleaning cases to be named, makes one feel professional and in control of his destiny.
Unlike the Winchester, the Otis decided to go overboard with the bronze cleaning brushes, having sixteen of them seems like overkill, but we mustn’t forget that there are different guns with vastly different sizes out there.
Besides the brushes, we have six memory flex cables, twenty-two bore brushes perfect for cleaning the insides of your gun, obstruction removal tools, special maintenance tools for scopes and other appendices.
A Cleaner, A Lubricant And A Protectant?!
What most gun cleaning kits we’ve reviewed up until now seemed to lack were cleaners and lubricants. In most cases, both of them were missing and one had to buy them as an extra out of one’s own pockets.
Not so with the Otis Elite, where you truly feel the word Elite ringing through your ears as you use it.
Their cleaning tool, promptly named ‘Bio CLP’ will help you out when the time has come to rejuvenate your guns. You get three of them with the purchase of this kit and you can buy more from the manufacturer.
Born And Made In The USA
This company is as American as it can get, every piece and tool you see in this gun cleaning kit is manufactured in New York.
This gives us reassurance and the company itself prides itself on its patriotism so much, that they are offering a no-nonsense guarantee on all of their products. This means that if you have any issues with the tools you get in your kit, you’re free to contact them and they will heed to your need!
Their 750 Tactical cleaning system is top notch!
While many see the Otis as just another universal gun cleaning kit, it is so much more than that. It reaches rifle ranges from 22 to 55 calibers, shotguns from .410 to 10 gauge and pistols from .177 to .45 calibers.
This truly makes it one of the most versatile gun cleaning kits out there!
The Bag Is Too Small And It’s Not As Durable As One May Think
Let’s not beat around the bush here, when there’s a problem, one must look straight forward and admit it: Their bag is absolutely atrocious.
Not only is it too small, but since the Otis boasts so many products, if you’re not as cleanly as a maid, you’ll have a hard time juggling all of the tools back inside. You will have to pay special attention to what belongs where and you’ll have to remember it every time you use the kit.
Also, the case itself is made out of cheap materials, to be perfectly frank, we would love the company to just completely revamp the carrying bag itself.
It is best to use any gun cleaning kit on a gun mat for maximum protection.
4. Falko’s Universal Gun Cleaning Kit for All Guns
Falko’s got an all-around good gun cleaning kit. It prides itself on being able to clean rifles, handguns, and shotguns all the same.
The first thing that grabbed our attention when we saw this gun kit was how neatly organized everything was. Unlike the Otis Elite, the company behind this product took much care into making all components look pristine for the end user.
Besides the visual presentation being on point, there’s more for the eyes to behold: Solid brass rods for 17-270 caliber rifles, nine bronze brushes for pistols and shotguns, five mops and six spear pointed jags.
What Do You Call A Yellow Alloy Of Copper And Zinc?
All parts in this gun cleaning kit are made out of pure brass. This means that you’ll be able to use the tools bestowed upon you for years, even decades if you take proper care of them.
The worst thing that happens with plastic tools some of the other kits have are broken plastic parts inside of your gun- Believe us, for a gun owner, there’s no greater tragedy than that.
The tools themselves are pretty resistant to bending and breaking, which is just another plus for this company getting our vouch.
With Falco’s gun cleaning kit, you’ll never have to worry about that and as a plus, you get tools that will not only last long but work properly for almost all types of guns!
Two Year No Questions Asked Guarantee On Your Purchase
If you thought that brass was the only thing that shines in this kit, you thought wrong. We found the two-year guarantee on their product absolutely charming and yet another point for why you should consider this gun kit as your ideal purchase.
The best thing of all, they will simply replace any tools you might break (let’s not pretend that accidents don’t happen) and you’ll sleep rest assured that your tools are going to work for at least a couple of years!
Neat And Tidy Holding Case
You’ll always know where your tools are and where they should be, the case is well organized and has a lot of breathing space. The company behind the Otis Elite could learn a thing or two from these guys.
To top it all off, the case itself is sturdy and can withstand some impact with the ground, it’s also perfectly suitable for longer voyages into forests or other hunting grounds as it does well in almost any weather conditions.
- Cons
The extension rods could be better
While playing with the kit, one has to pay special attention to the extension rods and how one uses it. It’s very delicate and there’s a chance that if you’re a mere beginner, that you’ll break it out of not handling it well enough.
This problem can be alleviated by gentler usage but is still something we wanted to turn your attention to before you opt for this gun cleaning kit.
It can also be used to clean your AR-15.
5. Remington’s Hunting Cleaning and Maintenance Kit
Not Available
Another great gun cleaning kit from the trusty company Remington. Since we’ve never featured a kit from their assortment, we’ll try to scrutinize this kit as much as we can in order to see if it will take home the bacon.
To start off, the company seems to be confident in their abilities to deliver the best there is, with them claiming that their gun cleaning kit has all you need to clean any gun, from a .22 caliber pistol to a 12 gauge shotgun!
They are also boasting their venerable Rem Squeeg-E technology that promises all debris gone with one fell swoop!
How reliable are they really? Let’s find out!
- Pros
Their All In One Bore Cleaner Comes In Handy
Instead of having a bazillion tools added to the kit, this company decided to create an all in one bore cleaner that fits in most guns.
It purifies carbon, lead, plastic, and copper remains without any apologies, making it a nifty tool for any occasion.
Additionally, since the bore cleaner is made out of sturdy materials (mostly bronze), you’ll boast both longevity and productivity with this tool!
Fastest Cleaning in the Wild West
At first, we were a bit skeptical about their claim that just one swoop could remove any debris from our guns, but after a bit of trying and tinkering, we’ve come to the following conclusion.
While you’ll not be able to get absolutely everything removed in one brush, you’ll see a definite performance boost when compared to other gun cleaning kits we’ve reviewed.
This means that you’ll get done with the cleaning process a lot faster and you’ll save some time too!
Their Bag Is A Marvel In Itself
Not many companies pay special heed to their packaging, but Remington has you covered!
The bag is very robust, its zippers are sturdy and to top it all off, it’s compact so it will be your trusty friend wherever you decide to bring it with you.
Once opened, you’ll immediately recognize just how well spaced and how much breathing room the bag has, everything has its own place and you’ll know what belongs where without breaking a sweat.
- Cons
Their Cleaning Solvents Could Be Better
Remington has had a long history in the world of hunting, but if there’s one thing they’ve failed within their universal gun cleaning kit, it’s the cleaning solvents themselves.
We suggest you buy separate ones with your purchase of this kit (buying this kit is worth it for the bag alone!) because the ones we got were really not up to par. They dried too fast and you could see that not a lot of thought went into them.
6. Hoppe’s No. 9 Deluxe Gun Cleaning Kit
Compared to the other gun cleaning kits we’ve featured here, this one is on the smaller side. Even if that may be the case, it’s perfect for novices and beginners just getting started in their hunting journey. It has all the essential one needs to have in order to be prepared for the gun cleaning process.
This includes: A gun bore cleaner, lubricating oil, a three-piece brass rod, phosphor bronze brushes and you get a free ‘Guide to Gun Care’ tutorial with your purchase.
- Pros
Hoppe’s Is Widely Known For Their Lubricating Oil
Their oil is just amazing, even as a single purchase, it has never failed to impress. It doesn’t expire, gum or expire and therefore, it trumps most competition by these facts alone.
It’s very thick (its viscosity level is super high) which will help you out a lot during the cleaning process of your gun.
Great And Durable Wooden Case
We’ve talked about the size of this gun cleaning kit being a bit on the shorter side. While that may be true, with the number of cleaning utensils being reduced to the bare essentials, we have to commend this company on how they’ve designed their holding case. It’s made out of hardwood, is sturdy and can withstand all the weather changes you might find yourself in.
Their Guide to Gun Care Is PERFECT For Beginners
While it doesn’t delve into the deep intricacies of gun cleaning, it does equip you with the necessary knowledge needed to clean your own gun. Even if you have never cleaned a gun on your own and you don’t have a fellow hunter by your side to show you, it will still be easy to do the dirty work with this small booklet.
A great idea from the company!
- Cons
Intermediate And Professional Gun Owners Might Find Themselves On The Short End With This Gun Cleaning Kit
While this kit has all the basics covered, any gun owner that isn’t a complete fledgling will find himself dissatisfied with the contents inside.
It lacks a bore cleaning snake and cleaning wipes, two of the most fundamental utensils used by most gun owners.
What we do recommend, however, is purchasing this kit and the two tools mentioned separately, so you may create your own, ultimate, gun kit out of different parts!
7. OUTERS Universal .22 & Up 28-Piece Gun Cleaning Kit 
The first thing to notice about this gun cleaning kit is the small and nifty wooden box all your tools come packaged in! Made out of quality oak, you’ll have to try really hard to break this bad boy!
The box with all the tools in it weighs under two pounds so you can bring it with you while out hunting for game. The dimensions of the case are 30cm x 19cm x 4cm, so it can fit in almost any bag no problem.
Let’s open it up and see what sort of wonders await us inside!
- Pros
It has Everything A Beginner Needs To Get Started
Let’s not beat around the bushes, this gun cleaning kit was made with the beginner in mind. Although it lacks all the tools necessary for a professional to be satisfied, it is an all-around good starter kit.
Boasting brass rods, tips, mops, and brushes, it will get the job done without fail.
Very Cheap In Comparison To Other Gun Cleaning Kits
Not only is this kit small and neat, but it’s also well below the average price.
It owes its low price to the fact that some of its components, as we’ll later see, are made out of plastic rather than sturdy material such as brass.
Be it as it may, it’s still a very good beginner kit and a great introduction to anyone that is starting out wanting to get themselves a cleaning kit.
- Cons
Plastic, It’s All About The Plastic
As anyone inundated in the hunting game should know, high-quality and plastic don’t go hand in hand.
Moreover, some parts which definitely shouldn’t be made out of plastic, such as the plastic jags and rods, are definitely not up to par with some of the other kits we’ve seen in this article.
This means that you’ll have to handle them extra carefully unless you want a piece of plastic stuck in the barrel of your gun.
This is a huge caveat to this gun cleaning kit and unless you’re really strapped for cash, we suggest you opt for one of the others ones that have brass or other sturdy material as their main component.
Wrapping Up
This wraps it up for our universal gun cleaning kits and we’re happy to say that all of them have some charm to them.
Some are made out to be as cheap as possible (for those on a budget), some are specifically tailored with the beginner in mind, others are made out of the highest quality materials out there.
It’s been a lot of fun sifting through all of these gun kits, marking their highs and their lows, but now it’s time to get on moving and see what other kits await us!
If you’re still unsure about what to get, we recommend number 7) as the cheapest option, number 6) as the beginner option and all the others as intermediate or professional options!
The 3 Best Pistol Cleaning Kits/Best Handgun Cleaning Kits
Before we get into the nitty-gritty of pistol and handgun cleaning kits, we would first like to present you with a small tutorial on cleaning your own pistol which will help serve as a means of education as well as harm prevention. You can read it here.
Now that you’re equipped with the knowledge of how to clean your handgun, you’re ready to feast your eyes upon what to use whilst cleaning your handgun.
We’ll be featuring three of the best pistol/handgun cleaning kits out there and we hope that you’ll find them useful in your hunting journey just as we did!
Let’s get started!
1. Otis Technologies FG-645 Pistol Cleaning Kit 
This baby contains .38cal/9mm & .45cal bore brushes, 8”, 12” & 20” aircraft grade Memory-Flex cables, obstruction removers, a pin punch, an end brush, a scraper, straight and bent pick and at last, a short AP brush.
In addition to all of this, you get a small but nifty case holding all these items together.
- Pros
The Otis Solvent And Its Versatile Usage Really Surprised Us
It can be used as a cleaner, lube, and protectant. This means that you won’t have to spend any extra money on buying all these things separately.
The Copper Brushes Are Well Made And Durable
Many handgun cleaning kits use cheap plastic as their material when building their brushes. We see that as a colossal red flag and urge anyone to stay away from these. The worst thing that can happen is the plastic breaking, thereby leaving a piece inside of your gun, sometimes, you can ruin your entire gun while you’re out there fishing for the broken piece.
Great Beginner Purchase
This handgun cleaning kit has all the necessary tools and appendages for you to clean your gun. The best thing about this kit is that its very suitable for both beginners and intermediates in the hunting game.
It’s cheap, compact, durable and most importantly, it has the quality which is a value Otis has always stood for.
- Cons
The Parts Have To Be Assembled And Disassembled Every Time
If you want to keep everything neat and tidy, i.e in the bag you’re provided with, you’ll have to assemble and disassemble the bore cleaning brushes every single time you use them.
Some of our hunters simply ditched the allotted bag and put all the assembled parts into their own bag. This is one option you can take, the other is to simply suck it up and spend an extra five minutes on the assembly process.
2. Allen Company Ruger Universal Handgun Cleaning Kit 
Another small handgun cleaning kit, this time coming from an obscure company that is new to the hunting utensils game.
The package they presented us with contains a muzzle guard, a brass jag, brass cleaning rods, and bore swabs. There are also twenty cleaning patches included in the mix.
The kit is very lightweight, around a pound in its size and is very compact.
- Pros
The Brushes And Jags Are Made Out Of Brass
For some odd reason, most small bags peddling themselves as the best handgun cleaning kits on the market use materials that aren’t durable at all, such as plastic.
We see no reason why that is the case, except for the company being stingy in their resources invested in their product. This is never a good sign.
With the Allen handgun cleaning kit, this is not the case.
They use brass for their jags and rods, meaning that your tools will last for a long time!
Their Case Is Hard And Sturdy
Nothing like having a small and compact case but not being able to use it while out hunting in fear of it breaking.
The case is made out of hard materials that last for a long time and are not susceptible to any bad weather, so even if it’s raining, you don’t have to worry about coating the cases with an umbrella!
Works With Most Handguns Out There
Let’s be straight for a moment here, there a LOT of handguns out there with many different calibers. Nonetheless, this product can handle them all!
Our hunters went as far as to report that some of the cleaning jags could be used in all cases, meaning that after buying this handgun cleaning kit, you’ll be rest assured that your gun is going to be crispy clean.
- Cons
You Have To Attach The Rods TOGETHER To Use The Cleaning Brushes
When coupled together, they are over fifteen inches long and you can imagine that can create problems for a handgun barrel that is merely five inches deep.
Careful use of the rods, without any hard pulling or twisting, should make the end result be without fail, but it is still something to take into consideration before buying this handgun cleaning kit.
3. Real Avid Gun Boss Handgun Cleaning Kit
Check Price on Real Avid Check Price on Amazon
The first thing to notice about the Real Avid is the waterproof case. Included in this kit is a cleaning rod, bronze handgun brushes, and jags, two black nylon slotted tips and fifty gun cleaning patches.
The zipper was tried and tested and it performed well enough to survive any friction.
- Pros
Compact and Portable Waterproof Case That You Can Bring With You While Hunting
The case is a revolutionary tool in itself. Not only is it waterproof and made out of sturdy materials, but once opened, you’ll find everything neatly organized and in place, preventing any sort of commixtion or confusion.
The Tips Are Made Out Of Nylon
Many companies seek to save a buck or two on their nylon tips, arguably one of the stupidest moves someone could take, but since so many are jumping over the bridge, it has come to be seen as normal.
With Real Avid, a rare business that still cares about customer satisfaction, the tips are coated with nylon, ensuring that you won’t find any plastic parts sticking in your gun after cleaning.
Very Affordable Pricing
Being just around twenty dollars, this handgun cleaning kit is just what you need for your hunting game!
It has everything included, holds a range of different utensils for all gun types and is generally a great overall tool to have.
- Cons
The Bag Is Too Small To Carry Any Solvent, Lubricant Or Protectant
Not only does the case not come with any of the aforementioned tools in the title, but you’ll also not be able to hold any inside as well!
You’ll have to put the case in a bigger bag and use that bag for all your other tools that you might want to bring with you while out hunting.
With the last sentence, we conclude our four best handgun cleaning kits and are ready to move on to the best shotgun cleaning kits.
The Best Shotgun Cleaning Kit
There will be only one featured in this group, as we have found it to be the best one out there, ready to be applied at any situation and no matter what the circumstances.
Now, before we start, we have to make it clear that cleaning your shotgun is a bit different than cleaning your handgun or rifle and therefore, we’ll spend a couple of lines explaining how to clean your shotgun. Check how to clean your shotgun.
If you read the article now you know how to clean your shotgun, so let’s finally take a look at the best shotgun cleaning kit out there on the market!
1. Allen Company Ultimate Shotgun Cleaning Kit
With 65 pieces, this truly is an ultimate gun cleaning kit. It can work wonders against all debris on your handguns, rifles, and shotguns. Each and every part of this kit has its own designated place. Let’s see what is included in this ultimate package!
We have the following items: Bronze shotgun brushes, bronze rifle brushes, bronze pistol brushes, brass jags for rifles/pistols, cotton swabs for shotguns, rifles, and pistols, brass slotted tips, brass adapters and in the end, the compact case that comes with the purchase.
- Pros
You Get A Large Container With Your Purchase
The moment you hear someone say 65 tools, you immediately think: ‘’Where the heck am I to store these things?!’’
Don’t worry, Allen has got you covered!
With a large container fitting all the different parts from various gun types (rifles, shotguns, handguns…), you’ll be able to bring it with you without any sort of hassle.
Strong And Sturdy Materials Used In The Production of the Tools
Since we’re mostly concerned about our shotguns here, this is a perfect opportunity to talk a bit about how important it is for brushes and jags to be plated with bronze.
You see, when materials such as plastic are used, they simply break and create a much bigger problem at hand. With bronze and nylon, such things won’t happen and therefore, you can focus on other more important things!
More Room Means More Tools!
If you have any solvents or oil laying around collecting dirt, simply take them and put them in the large container that comes with the purchase of this product!
Quite conversely, you could also put in or combine other tools from your stock as there’s plenty of room for that too!
- Cons
You’ll Have To Buy Your Own Solvent and Lubricant
We knew that there was something amiss as we looked through all these tools: There was nothing to actually clean them with!
This is a small setback for a gun cleaning kit peddling itself to be the ‘ultimate’ one, but a few dollars extra never harmed anyone.
This kit is fully functional and veritable on its own, you just need to buy yourself some extra solvent and lubricant and you’ll do just fine.
Wrapping up our Best Gun Cleaning Kit Guide
This would wrap it for our ultimate guide to gun cleaning kits. We hope you’ve learned a lot from our tutorial and that you now have a much clearer mind when it comes to your choice of a gun cleaning kit.
Remember to stay safe out there and happy hunting!
What is the best thing to clean a gun with?
The best thing to clean a gun with is a dedicated gun cleaning solvent or oil. Use soft brushes, patches, and cleaning rods to remove fouling and residue without damaging the firearm.
What is the best gun cleaner to prevent rust?
A high-quality gun cleaner with rust-prevention properties, like a CLP (cleaner, lubricant, and protectant), is best for preventing rust on guns. These products not only clean but also leave a protective layer to inhibit rust formation.
What is best for cleaning shotgun?
A dedicated shotgun cleaning kit with a bore brush, cleaning rod, patches, solvent, and oil is best for cleaning shotguns. Follow the manufacturer’s guidelines and clean after each use or at least every 500 rounds.
Will WD40 remove rust from a gun?
WD-40 can help remove light surface rust from a gun, but it is not a long-term rust preventative. For effective rust removal and prevention, use a specialized gun cleaner and apply a protective layer of gun oil afterward.
Will WD40 rust a gun?
WD-40 can displace moisture and temporarily protect against rust. However, it is not a long-lasting or ideal gun lubricant. It can attract dirt and become gummy over time, potentially leading to malfunctions.
Will my gun rust if I don’t clean it?
Yes, without regular cleaning and proper maintenance, guns are susceptible to rust, especially if exposed to moisture or humid conditions. Regular cleaning and proper storage are essential to prevent rust and maintain firearm performance.
Does oiling a gun prevent rust?
Yes, oiling a gun forms a protective barrier that helps prevent rust. High-quality gun oils or CLPs applied to clean and dry surfaces create a thin layer that inhibits moisture and corrosion, thereby reducing the chances of rust formation.
Will guns rust in a gun safe?
A gun safe can provide protection against rust, but it is not foolproof. Moisture can still accumulate inside the safe, leading to rust. Use dehumidifiers or desiccants to absorb moisture and consider storing guns with a protective layer of gun oil.
What can I put in my gun safe to keep my guns from rusting?
To prevent guns from rusting in a safe, use dehumidifiers or desiccants to control moisture levels. Additionally, store guns with a protective layer of gun oil to create a barrier against moisture and rust formation.